Happy New Year everyone! It’s been a sluggish start to 2024 for us. Lots of tricky mornings getting the kids to school during the cold weather. Plenty of admin and jobs to do around the house. It can feel impossible to really get going with anything creative in January. But we have to start somewhere… and this year I have a big canvas to get lost in. Here’s some photos from the last week or so sketching out the Winchester cityscape. Time to get back in the groove!

This 1.2 x 1m original painting will follow on from the digital city compositions I was working on before Christmas. We adjusted the drawings quite a bit, pulling the focus away from the dominant college in the foreground. Hopefully what we’ve ended up with will lead the eye a little better too… zig-zagging through the old layered streets up to a hazy coloured horizon.

I’ll be laying down the initial paintwork over the next week. With lots (and lots and lots) of detailing to follow. Sadly I wont be sharing any work in progress shots from here. It needs to remain a surprise for that final client reveal. But I will look forward to posting a time-lapse and plenty of gallery wall pictures of the finished piece after it has been delivered.
If you’d like to discuss a commission you can drop me a line. I also have a private commission guide with general information on available formats and an estimate of cost.