Another landscape to share, this time a bright Cornish scene from the Southern Coastline. This 30 x 30cm canvas was created as a gift for Abi and Tom, Abi providing a reference photo taken on their visit to Falmouth. Here viewed across the Fal Estuary, St Anthony Head is the National Trust estate situated at the southernmost tip of the Roseland Peninsula. It is also the site of former 1895 St Anthony Battery and St Anthony’s Lighthouse.

There was already a nice sense of scale in the photo, with the foreground flowers and the focal point of the lighthouse at the end of the headland. Some minor artistic licence was required in shortening that headland, especially in the central area. The view in real life has a much deeper tree line and stretches out in a long sweep of dark greens. I wanted that nice break to swooping fields on the left hand side… so everything was condensed together to fit the square format I wanted.

Nice vibrant blues and greens. A touch of pink in the fore and some flashes white from the vessels moving across the water. Hopefully a balanced colour study that will hope evokes all the good memories associated with their trip!
As always, I love to hear your suggestions, so please get in touch with those interesting places you have discovered. If you’d like to find me online: And of course, if you are interested in commissioning a painting like ‘St Anthony Head, Cornwall’ please do check out my private commission guide.