I hope wherever you read this from that you’ve enjoyed some Spring sunshine. I have been marking the changing of the seasons closely with some new little painting studies. In Asia they have a tradition of marking smaller micro-seasons; and we’re currently experiencing Rikka (立夏) the ‘Songs of Summer’. It runs roughly from the 6th – 21st May and according to the guide ‘Frogs start their singing, and birds chirp in the forests.’

Above is a colour study of a view looking out to the coast from Muncaster Fell. It lies at the far western edge of the Lake District. I particular liked this scene as more local ‘Songs of Summer’ as it features a lovely tangle of yellow gorse and the line of clear blue on the horizon.

This is part of a personal project that i’m currently pursuing behind the scenes, when I get free moments or just need to throw some colour onto a little canvas. The changing seasons provide so much inspiration and can unlock creativity when i’ve lost momentum in my painting. I’d like to gather enough of them to form a series that runs through the year but in the meantime i’m sending out sneak peeks through the studio e-newsletter. If you’d like to get a peek at the next one; you can sign up here!