Articles by: JKChapman

Eye Test Colours

A short post for your Monday inspiration this week. Nicky recently discovered this wonderful eye test book, full of colour plates designed as an analog test for colour blindness. There’s a wide variety of greens, oranges, greys… each plate a fascinating study in colour tones. I particularly like those ever […]

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Christmas Wrapping Paper

Christmas Wrapping Paper Design

The idea for this Christmas wrapping pattern has been swimming around in my head for a couple of years now! and every year time creeps away from me and the Christmas rush swallows up any spare moments in the studio. But this year I have been determined! taking the small […]

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Dr & Dr (Down by the River)

This is the first in what I hope will be a new series of ‘throwback Thursday’ posts, catching up on previous projects and key artworks that perhaps I didn’t have time to share previously. This painting was created for a private commission, to be given a special wedding gift. The […]

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Wisley Wander - Illustration by Jonathan Chapman

Wisley Wander

Last weekend we took a trip over to Wisley to get some fresh air out in the gardens and let the kids run off some steam in the play areas. It was wonderful to find plenty of colour still on the trees. Even where the leaves had fallen, you could […]

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World Series Calendar 2019 - Illustration by Jonathan Chapman

World Series Calendar 2019

I’ve had so much fun creating my World Series this year! although I didn’t make it much past the half way mark in my challenge to paint 50 scenes it has been a huge source of inspiration for my studio work as a whole. I’m definitely going to continue with […]

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Alresford Steam Engine - Illustration by Jonathan Chapman

Alresford Steam Engine

As we rattle through November I can see the garden looking bare and rather chilly through the studio windows. The bigger trees are fully dropping their leaves now and those bark fingers are stretching up into the blue. Although we’ve lost most of the vibrant autumn leaves, I still love […]

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