
I love exploring cities. experiencing the vibrant atmosphere and urban spaces. There is usually a jumble of time periods and a variety in the surviving buildings. I particularly enjoy discovering the quieter contemplative spaces between the busy, bustling ones. They are often found through wandering the pavements… taking that extra time to walk and look around.

These posts contain some of my city artworks, inspired by the architecture of the world and a lot of wanderlust!

Barnsley Town Hall Detail - Illustration by Jonathan Chapman

Barnsley Town Hall

In the Summer/Autumn of last year I sent a number of my Grand Canal, Venice greeting cards up to the Cooper Gallery in Barnsley. The gallery shop stocked them alongside their Venice exhibition. Since then i’ve sent a number of other designs up for them to try out in the […]

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New Portable Art Materials – in the Wild

Delighted to get out of the studio this week for some open air sketching. I’d just managed to finish the last of my big Christmas commissions and I had some new materials to play with! What’s in the Travel Bag? I’ve got some lovely portable art materials – for capturing […]

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Rockefeller Christmas Tree - Illustration by Jonathan Chapman

Rockefeller Christmas Tree

The Rockefeller Christmas Tree, perhaps the most famous Christmas tree in the World? It has been a tradition at Rockefeller Center, in Midtown Manhattan since 1933. The tree is usually a Norway spruce, 69 to 100 feet (21 to 30 m) tall, which is erected in mid November and lit in a public ceremony […]

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Alresford Broad Street - Illustration by Jonathan Chapman

Broad Street, Alresford

Enjoying the sunshine? ☀️😀 Here’s a sunny new street scene from Hampshire… ‘Broad Street, Alresford’ 38 x 20 cm created with acrylic and ink on paper.Alresford (pronounced Allsford) is a handsome Georgian town of colour-washed houses, riverside walks, specialist shops and the UK’s capital of watercress farming. The town’s history […]

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Somerset House in summer - Illustration by Jonathan Chapman

Somerset House in Summer

Here’s a new city image, ‘Somerset House in Summer’. One that I decided to pull from my little black notebook of scenes i’d like to find time to paint (it’s quite a full notebook these days!). Some of you may have spotted that I have painted this building before as […]

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